Re: The Dan Farmer rap

Brent Chapman (Brent@GreatCircle.COM)
Mon, 17 Apr 1995 23:46:45 +0000

PLEASE, folks, don't cross-post stuff between Firewalls and BugTraq.
What's appropriate in terms of postings and replies is different for each
list.  When somebody cross-posts a message, the replies also get
cross-posted, and usually lead to a flame fest on one list or the other.

If you really feel something is appropriate for both lists (which is rare,
I think; they have fairly different charters), then post a separate message
to each list.


For info about the Internet Security Firewalls Tutorial and a schedule
of upcoming dates, please send email to Tutorial-Info@GreatCircle.COM
Brent Chapman                                 Great Circle Associates
Brent@GreatCircle.COM                         1057 West Dana Street
+1 415 962 0841                               Mountain View, CA  94041